Category: Graduate Student Summer Residents 2019

All Thanks to Olivia Pope

I decided to go into academia at a panel about Scandal. It was 2015 and I was a college senior. Like millions of other fans, one weekly joy…

From a Cultural Perspective

In this audio recording, graduate student Margherita Berti describes how an ordinary encounter while studying abroad gave her a new outlook on cultural differences, practices, and perspectives. Transcript…

Rolling with Difference

The image I chose for my humanities moment is representative of how I have come to understand myself, society and the cities around the world. While many might…

The Power of Oral History

I think I’ve always been an oral historian, but I didn’t always know to call myself one. When I was a young kid, I used to spend countless…

Damaged Goods? Learning about (Mis)information about Sexuality in the Clinic

My humanities moment connects to a book, titled Damaged Goods: Women Living With Incurable Sexually Transmitted Diseases written by Adina Nack, a sociologist and women’s and gender studies…

The Day I Decided to Major in History

Graduate student Justina Licata explains how a junior high school teacher’s passion and influence led her to embrace the study of history as a lifelong vocation. Transcript Hello,…

“The Town that Freedom Built”: Preserving Zora Neale Hurston’s Eatonville

This plaque, and several others, are sprinkled throughout Eatonville, Florida to guide a walking tour of America’s first legally established self-governing all-African American municipality. Eatonville was established in…

What About the Jesus Movement?

My humanities moment came with my conversion from Islam to Christianity. It opened a wide world for me and enabled me to see that my new faith was…

Giving Value and Thought to the Imaginary

Transcript My name is Katelyn Campbell, and I’m a PhD student in American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. And for my humanities moment,…

First Archival Visit

I hope I am not the only person who struggled to narrow their moment to a single episode. I am grateful for the prompt, though; in a summer…

Unexpected Lessons in Empowerment

My Humanities Moment involves a connection between two individuals that might not initially seem to have anything in common: Jane Austen and Quentin Tarantino. One of the first…