Tag: Activism

Inspired by Activism

It was my first day of observations at the school I now teach at. The day had progressed as a typical day and I had the chance to…

This is the Ocean

I rented Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals from the library, at a time in my life when I was searching inwards and exploring my beliefs. I would listen…

From The Page to The Garden to The Fridge

For the first two decades of my life, food wasn’t something to which something I gave much serious consideration. I was guided—as I suspect most young adults are—by…

Chicano Park

I had been in San Diego for less than a week and was still unsure of bus routes. Having successfully navigated the trolley-to-bus transfer from La Mesa to…

Writing Is My Activism

Luis Rodriguez, Poet Laureate of Los Angeles in 2014, explains how his love for books and libraries rescued him from a life of trouble. He notes that through…