It was my first day of observations at the school I now teach at. The day had progressed as a typical day and I had the chance to observe two World History 1 courses. After those classes my mentor teacher got into a conversation with two administrators about the events they were expecting for later that day. There was a planned student walkout in response to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida which had happened a month before.
Students of all ages across the country had coordinated what became the first student-led movement for gun control. I was inspired by the students for elevating their voices and creating a platform to stand up and demand that action be taken. I was also inspired by the teachers and administrators of my school who wore shirts in support, helped to answer questions for confused students, and supported any and all of the students who participated in the walkout.
These students were willing to stand up and say they have seen enough and can not sit idly by as more and more of these tragedies occur. The reason I got into teaching was to work with students like this and I hope to be able to inspire some of them. Everyday I get more and more inspired by these students.
– Josh Britton (High School Teacher)